2020: Why Being Naughty is Better Than Being Nice This Year

2020: Why Being Naughty is Better Than Being Nice This Year
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2020: Why Being Naughty is Better Than Being Nice This Year

Whether you are on stay home orders, or just limiting the number of people you are intimate with, one thing’s for sure: the pandemic has sure made things dull. While it’s important and necessary to take any ordinance seriously to maintain the safety of our friends, family, and neighbors, limiting our social time every day can really make things a snooze fest. 


Get Spicy!

To heat things up, we suggest getting on Santa’s Naughty List. Who needs nice? Nice is boring, and we don’t need any more boring. Add some much needed spontaneity and spice by creating a little excitement in the bedroom! You and your partner can use the extra down time to try something new, and explore every deep desire to ensure this holiday is one for the books.


Here are some tips to make it worth getting coal in your stocking:


  1. Along with your partner, write down every “naughty” thing you’ve always wanted to try in the bedroom on an individual piece of paper, fold it up and put them in a hat. When you’re getting intimate, pull a piece of paper from the hat and just go for it.
  2. Make a sex calendar and stick to it - write down your fantasies and when you want to do them - the build up of anticipation might make the act especially hot.
  3. Introduce new toys - Try one of the many items from Starship you’ve never used before! From ball gags to cock rings, clitoral stimulation gel to prostate massagers, and all the butt plugs the world has ever seen, having a new toy can open the door to many possibilities you’ve only imagined.
  4. Try a little role play - Being someone other than yourself is a game changer. Who knows what a new role in the bedroom can bring to the table. To help this transition we carry a full selection of costumes and accessories year round.
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