A Beginner's Guide to Polyamory
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A Beginner's Guide to Polyamory

Have you ever considered polyamory but you aren’t sure where or how to begin? Keep reading. 

What Is Polyamory?

First and foremost, what is the meaning of polyamory? Polyamory, also frequently referred to simply as “poly” is “the state or practice of having more than one open romantic relationship at a time” (source). This is why it’s very different from having an affair. In an affair, a relationship is happening outside of a monogamous relationship, and it’s possible everyone involved isn’t aware and consensual. In polyamory, everyone knows what is going on and is an active participant. 

Am I Poly?

There’s really only one way to know for sure whether or not you are polyamorous. Does the idea of being involved with multiple partners appeal to you? If the answer is yes, then you’re likely polyamorous! Regardless of the archaic expectations society has of us, the fact of the matter is that monogamy isn’t for everyone. There isn’t one “correct” path for all people, and so many people find great joy and fulfillment in polyamory. 

How Do You Start a Poly Relationship?

The first thing you want to do is research. The key to polyamory is knowledge and consent. If you want to open your relationship, you will likely need to have many long, considerate conversations with your current partner. You’ll have to listen to all of their concerns and try your best to explain to them why, exactly, you’d like to open the relationship to bringing more partners in. You’ll have to set rules or boundaries and always keep a line of communication open between the two of you. 

How Do You Deal With Jealousy?

Jealousy is a perfectly normal human emotion and it’s nothing to be ashamed of, or keep bottled up. When you’re feeling jealous, it’s important to talk through the feelings with your partners and try to resolve them in a mature, healthy way. Keeping them all to yourself will only make the feelings grow and fester over time. 

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