Our Favorite Sex Educator This Month - Love Atiya

Our Favorite Sex Educator This Month - Love Atiya
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Our Favorite Sex Educator This Month - Love Atiya

Love Atiya is a queer Atlanta-based sex positive educator and influencer, model, motivational speaker, and animal rights activist. She’s well known for her fun, quirky personality and the compassion she brings to every project she works on. Atiya makes waves across every social media platform she's on. She makes funny, engaging videos about sex positivity, pleasure, her favorite adult toys, and so much more on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube


Love Atiya’s personal goal is to increase self-love with every person her content reaches. She has also launched four different self-love-inspired businesses.  Even her name, Love Atiya, is a testament to her dedication to her journey of self-love. She changed it in 2015 to manifest more love for herself in the universe. On her social media pages, she shares how she has come to embrace her sexuality, takes her followers along her journey as she explores new pleasures, and helps people discover what they like. She is doing amazing work to unpack the shame and stigma that comes with sexuality, particularly when it comes to women’s pleasure. 


Her podcast, The Love Atiya Experience, takes listeners through the different chapters of her life, her self-discovery, and growth towards manifesting greater acceptance and awareness. If you want to learn more about self-love and tips to practice integrating it in your life, following Love Atiya is a surefire way to start.

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