Our Sexy New Year’s Resolutions

Our Sexy New Year’s Resolutions
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Our Sexy New Year’s Resolutions

So much pleasure awaits us this year, and we’re going to meet it head-on by setting sexy New Year’s resolutions! Join us and share your sexy resolutions with us on social media.

1. Orgasm More

It will forever be our goal to bring more pleasure into our lives, and one of the best ways to do that is with more orgasms! 

2. Roleplay More

We love a bit of roleplay, and this year we really want to get into it. We’re talking costumes, nights out, even whole weekend trips dedicated to roleplay! 

3. Use More Toys

If there’s one thing on this planet that we truly love, it’s sex toys. They can be used solo, with a partner, or even in a whole group! This year, we want to try toys we haven’t had the chance to try, and to get new versions of the tried and true toys as well.

4. Try Different Lubes

Lube comes in so many types and flavors and sensations. We don’t think we’ll ever be able to try them all. But we definitely want to try as many as we can! 

5. Get Out of Our Comfort Zone

A lot of the time, it can be scary to test your limits and try new things. Whether it’s trying to bring up a new kink to a partner or testing out some new positions, we want to expand our intimate lives to bring even more pleasure into them.

6. More Butt Play

Butt play might just be one of our favorite things ever. And we can always use more of it! We’re going to get some new anal toys, some great anal lube, and get down to it this year.

7. Learn More About Sex

We firmly believe in educating to elevate, and that applies to ourselves too! This year, we want to learn more about sex. Why we like the things we do, how other people like to have sex, and how we can help bring more sexual liberation to those around us.

8. Try Different Condoms

Much like lube, condoms come in so many varieties! We want to try out all the types we can get our hands on this year. Different materials, ones that are ribbed for more pleasure, ones that are ultra-thin so you feel even closer to your partner, the possibilities are endless.

9. Talk More About Sex

Talking about sex can be difficult, even with the people closest to us. For a long time, society has told us that sex is shameful and not to be discussed in polite company. But sex is an innate component of who we are, an integral part of life, and essential to our humanity. We believe that consenting adults should talk about it as much as they talk about any other aspect of their lives. The best way to learn about ourselves is to have healthy explorative discussions with others. 

10. Buy Someone Else a Sex Toy

Its official: this year is the year of gifting sex toys! If our friend has never tried a rose vibe or they want to try BDSM but don’t know where to begin, we will be there to get them started on their way. We’re going to bring more pleasure to the world one toy at a time.

There’s no better time than the present to embrace pleasure and work towards a more sexually liberated society. What are your sexy resolutions this year?

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