Senior Awareness Month - Best Products for Seniors

Senior Awareness Month - Best Products for Seniors
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Senior Awareness Month - Best Products for Seniors

May is Senior Awareness Month! If you’re a senior, or if you know a senior who is looking for the best adult products to stay sexually active and thriving, Starship has you covered!

Liberator Angled Wedge 

Liberator Decor Heart Wedge - $106.99

Sometimes a little extra support can make all of the difference in the world. If you’re not as flexible as you once were, that doesn’t mean you can’t still get it in that perfect position. A wedge pillow like this one can help you relax a bit while still hitting the angle that makes your toes curl. 

Penile Extensions 

Penile Extensions - from $11.99

If you have trouble maintaining your erection but still want to please your lover and yourself, a penile extension could be the perfect fit. It will give that same rock-hard sensation that you both crave. Pro tip: add a bit of warming lube inside to get the heat you love.

Thrilling Wands

Starship Super Nova - $61.99

A body wand is an excellent product in anyone’s sexy kit. Starship’s Super Nova is lightweight, big, and easy to handle. With large, clear buttons, it’s simple to make this wand do exactly what you got it for. Thrill yourself and your partner with ten incredible vibration speeds. 

Hands-Free Pleasure

PDX Elite Deluxe Mega-Bator - $269.99

If you have trouble with using your hands for an extended amount of time, this is the toy for you. The Deluxe Mega-Bator is the only hands-free masturbator in the world. And, it does all of the work for you, so you can experience the ultimate hands-free pleasure! The innovative Deluxe Mega-Bator combines hands-free rotation and thrusting that can be enjoyed in 10 unique patterns for completely customizable masturbation sessions.

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