All About Sex Toys for Beginners
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All About Sex Toys for Beginners

If it is your first time buying a sex toy, it’s normal to feel a bit nervous. Will it come in discreet packaging? How do I know what will work best for me? How do I even buy a vibrator or cock ring? Starship is here to help you pick the best toys for you (and ship them super discreetly). 

First things first, lube is an absolute necessity. No matter what type of sex toy you want, using lube will make it safer and feel better. Water-based lubes are perfect for toys because they’re safe to use with all toy materials! Please note if you’re using silicone toys, we don’t recommend pairing them with a silicone lube. They may react with one another and regrade the quality of your toys over time. If you want to take your lube game up a notch, check out flavored lube, and there are temperature play options to add a little extra kick to playtime. 

After you’ve got the lube in your cart, it’s time to decide what kind of toy you’re craving. If you’re nervous, remember everyone who has ever used bullet vibes, dildos, strap ons, or any other sex toy also bought them for their very first time at one point. Take your time browsing and find the things that are sexy or interesting to you.

The next thing you need is a good quality toy cleaner. It’s vital to clean your toys before and after each use. That way they’ll last a long time and always be safe for you to use.

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