Celebrate Earth Day by Showering Together
2 years ago 54 view(s)
Celebrate Earth Day by Showering Together

Earth Day is on April 22, 2022. In celebration and support of our amazing planet, we’re here to explain some of the benefits of showering together! 

Get Intimate

It can foster new intimacy between you and your partner. With all of that steamy water pounding down on you both, things are bound to get a bit hot and heavy.

Relieve Stress

It can help both of you relieve stress. If you’ve had a long, difficult day, there’s nothing quite like taking a nice, hot shower at the end of it to wash all of your worries away. Sharing that amazing, soothing feeling with your partner can make it even sweeter.

Lend a Hand

Help washing your back! With your partner there to lend a hand, you can get extra clean. Have them get all the spots you normally struggle to reach and give them a thorough scrub-down of their own. You’ll leave the shower feeling better than ever. 

Try Something New

You can try new positions. Have the two of you ever tried to have sex standing up? There’s no better time to try than in the shower! And yes, we have a lube for that. We recommend any hybrid or silicone lube for water play. (Just make sure you have a non-slip mat at the bottom of the tub!)

Conserve Water

You’ll conserve water! Last and most importantly, by showering together you can save more than 25 gallons of water every time you double up. A 10-minute shower typically uses up 25 whole gallons of water. Imagine how much the earth will thank you for taking regular showers with your partner.

Happy Earth Day, wonderful creature.

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