What Does Sexual Health Mean and Why It Matters!

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What Does Sexual Health Mean and Why It Matters!
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What Does Sexual Health Mean and Why It Matters!

Since September is Sexual Health and Wellness Month, we wanted to take a moment to explain exactly what sexual health is and why it matters in our daily lives. Many people believe sexual health is limited to wearing condoms and getting tested for STIs, but it’s actually much broader than that. At its very foundation, sexual health is about personal wellbeing and pleasure. 

While most people learn the basics about sexuality and sex early on, many of us are unfamiliar with our bodies and don’t feel as though we can openly discuss sex and sexuality. If we want to live full, healthy, exciting sexual lives, we have to actively seek out sex positive education. The more informed we are, the more prepared we are to make good choices regarding our own bodies, who we chose as our partners, and what our sexual boundaries are.

Sexual health includes living in a sex positive and inclusive way. The sex positivity movement is all about putting in the work to rid ourselves of the shame and stigma around sexual pleasure that has been passed down through patriarchy and religious doctrine. With a positive and informed approach to sex, we have the freedom to enjoy pleasurable experiences in a safe environment. When you are in charge of your own sexual life, also known as having full sexual agency, you can make informed decisions for yourself. 

How To Communicate About Sex

Communication is a huge component of sexual health. While it can feel scary at first, it is important to be able to voice questions and concerns you have about your body and sex life. If you don’t feel comfortable having these conversations with your current doctor, it might be an indicator to find a doctor you are comfortable with. 

It can also be helpful to open up about your intimate life with a close friend or partner. By starting these important conversations you begin to normalize healthy sex and you even give others permission to share about their own experiences. The more you practice talking about sex, the easier it will get! Your commitment to communicate about your own sexuality plays an important role in our progression towards a sexually liberated society.

Talking To Partners About Fantasies 

When it comes to fantasy and fulfillment, communication with your partner(s) is integral. After you have established mutual attraction and desire, talking about expectations and setting boundaries is vital to the sexual health of the relationship. If you find yourself in a situation where you are feeling pressured to do something you aren’t comfortable with, please remember that consent is fluid and you can revoke it at any time. 

It’s important to know each person's fantasies, drive, and desires are unique. There is never any right, wrong, or gold standard as long as all acts are consensual! Always remember it is okay to have as many partners as you want as long as you are being honest with yourself and others. If everyone involved is acting in a consensual manner comfortable with their choices, and being honest about their intentions and feelings, all sex is great sex.

Why Sexual Health Is Important

Sexual health is a huge part of our total health and can affect your physical, mental, emotional, and social wellbeing. Being in good sexual health means you are well-informed, careful, and respectful to yourself and others. It also means enjoying and exploring yourself sexually in ways you are comfortable with. 

When you live your life in a way that is conscious of sexual health, you will ultimately live a life that has more pleasure and fulfillment. 

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