Sex and Health: Fuel Your Body Right for Your Best Sex Life

Sex and Health: Fuel Your Body Right for Your Best Sex Life
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Sex and Health: Fuel Your Body Right for Your Best Sex Life

New Year's resolutions are hard to stick to but there is a connection between our physical health and our sexual health. What you consume and how much you move can contribute to your sex drive, stamina and mood. Try incorporating these three simple tips into your self-care regimen to help fuel your body and sex life. 

Eat Right

Eat foods that are high in Arginine, (an amino acid used by your body to make nitric oxide) which helps your blood vessels relax, and promotes good blood flow. Some foods high in arginine include walnuts, almonds, fish, fruits, and leafy vegetables.


Move your body everyday for at least 30-60 minutes. Physical activity, can increase your levels of testosterone, which may boost your sex drive, as well as releases endorphins and seratonin. Sweating is important! 

Stay Hydrated

Drink more water - water keeps you hydrated (which also means you are better lubricated) and poor hydration in the tissues affects the energy generating processes in the body thereby leaving you with less stamina and energy for sex.

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