How Starship Shows Pride

How Starship Shows Pride
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How Starship Shows Pride

Happy Pride Month, everyone! Here at Starship we show up for the LGBTQ community in as many ways as we possibly can. Here are some of the ways we show our pride and support sex that isn’t heteronormative!

Providing Education

We believe in educating to elevate, and that means providing sex-positive, inclusive education to all of our customers and followers. We do our best to make our stores, blog, and our social media presence a safe space that has education about people of all kinds. We try to uplift queer artists and influencers and share their messaging as well!

If you spend a little time on our blog, you’ll see we try our best to always use inclusive language and vary our content so that, no matter who you are, you can find something that will be relevant and (hopefully) helpful to you and your pleasure journey!

Selling Toys for Queer Bodies and Relationships

One thing we really take pride in is our selection of toys that are great for all bodies and relationships. 

One of our absolute favorites is Body Kisses by Gender X! This toy is a favorite for so many people because it was crafted with all bodies in mind. It’s a suction toy with a wider opening than normal, meaning it can be used to stimulate a clitoris, nipples, the tip of a penis, or a clitoris that has grown larger due to taking testosterone! 

We also love all of our wand toys. Wands are incredible because they can be used anywhere on the body! They’ve got soft, flexible vibrating heads and can be used on any and all erogenous zones. They can be used solo or with a partner, during masturbation, during penetrative sex, or really any other way you can think up.

We sell a plethora of strap-ons that come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and materials. These are perfect for people with vulvas who want to be the penetrating partner when it comes to sex!

Plus, we have a whole wonderful section for anal, with everything from plugs to beads to prostate toys to tails and more. 

Participating in Local Pride Events and Community Outreach

We have so much fun participating in our local Pride events! Any chance we get, we love to get out and connect with the queer community. If there’s an event happening in our area, we set up our booth with all of our inclusive toys and have fun educating about what we sell and learning more from members of the community. It’s also always our honor to be a part of other community outreach events, like supporting the Atlanta Harm Reduction Coalition.

Educating Ourselves

One of the best ways you can be inclusive and supportive is to always be learning, and we’re no exception! We do what we can to seek out sex-positive queer educators and influencers to learn more from their lived experiences. We strive to read and research and always keep an open heart. We are far from perfect and we’re trying to improve every day! Currently, we’re working on updating all of our packaging and our website to have inclusive, non-gendered language with descriptions that refer to anatomy instead. And we’re updating our HR practices to allow our employees preferred names to be listed on our schedules! We do our best to listen to feedback from our incredible employees so we can continue to make Starship a safe and inclusive place for everyone. 

Supporting and Donating to Queer Causes

Finally, we put our money where our beliefs are. We donate to local Prides and queer causes as often as we can, and we try to promote them on our social media platforms as well. Some of those closest to our heart are ATL Pride, Savannah Pride, Colgay Pride, and Macon Pride. (If you want to donate to any of these wonderful organizations, please click the links in the previous sentence!)

We absolutely love being as involved with supporting the LGBTQ community as we possibly can. It is an honor to go to events, connect with people there, and to feel like we’re making a difference in the lives of those who need it most. We also take great pride in sponsoring the No Homo Show, the self-proclaimed gayest podcast in Georgia.

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