Starship Enterprises Raises Money for Southern Crescent Sexual Assault and Child Advocacy Center

Starship Enterprises Raises Money for Southern Crescent Sexual Assault and Child Advocacy Center
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Starship Enterprises Raises Money for Southern Crescent Sexual Assault and Child Advocacy Center

This November, Starship Enterprises is working to raise money for Southern Crescent Sexual Assault and Child Advocacy Center. This incredible organization does so much for our communities. They work hard to protect some of the most vulnerable members of our society and we are honored to be associated with them. 

Every 90 Seconds

Every 90 seconds, someone in the United States is a victim of sexual violence, and almost 50% are under the age of 18. Southern Crescent Sexual Assault and Child Advocacy Center provides a collaborative, coordinated community response in an effort to reduce the incidence of child maltreatment and sexual violence through prevention, intervention, and education. They know that victims of sexual violence are far more likely to experience depression and PTSD, and many of them turn to addictive substances to handle their trauma, which is why they work so hard to get every survivor the help they need. SCSA-CAC never denies services to anyone in need regardless of who they are or what they have suffered through. All programs and services are provided to victims, non-offending caregivers, and the community as a whole at no charge. 

Give Back

Through December 5th, if you come into any Starship location, you can find donation boxes and our friendly staff would be happy to answer any questions you might have about our partnership. Anyone who donates at least $5 will receive a scratch-off ticket which gives you the opportunity to win discounts and prizes in-store. Help us help SCSA-CAC and be the change you want to see in the world. To learn more about, visit their website.

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