Breast Cancer Awareness Month 
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Breast Cancer Awareness Month 

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the time of year when everyone comes together to spread information about early detection and symptoms to help everyone stay on top of their health. 


The theme of this year’s awareness month is RISE, which stands for Rally in Screening Everyone. There’s plenty of ways to support. Here are just a few:  You can donate to breast cancer campaigns, volunteer your time, and spread awareness about the importance of screening and regular checkups for everyone.

Be Inclusive 

This October while you do your part to help out, it’s a good idea to keep in mind that it’s not only women who suffer from breast cancer. While it’s true that 1 in 8 women will have breast cancer at some point in their life, about 1 in 833 men will also be afflicted. On top of these cases, there are plenty of trans and nonbinary people who will be diagnosed with breast cancer as well. It’s important that we consider the language that we use while speaking about breast cancer so that we can be inclusive of everyone who might be suffering. For example, a simple but impactful switch from “women with breast cancer” to “people with breast cancer” can make a huge difference in the lives of anyone struggling with this disease.

Test and Talk

This October, let’s do our part to support testing and raise awareness of this disease.

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