All About Accessible Sex Toys
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All About Accessible Sex Toys

Accessible sex toys are products that were designed with accessibility and comfort in mind. They use elements such as ergonomic designs to make it possible for everyone, regardless of physical ability (or disability), to enjoy sexual pleasure. 

There are many different categories of accessible sex toys. For example, if you have difficulty staying in an intimate position for a long period of time, a wedge sex pillow or doggy style strap could improve your sex life drastically. For those who don’t have the fine motor skills needed to manually masturbate, finger vibes slip over your finger and vibrate, offering stimulation exactly where you want it without the need for repetitive motions. If you have a penis, auto thrusting masturbators provide you with the pleasure you’re seeking without having to move your hand back and forth. If you want to be able to please yourself or your partner but aren’t physically able to, bluetooth sex toys allow you to control speed, vibration patterns, and so much more via an app on your phone. Sex machines are toys that do all of the physical work for you, with automatic thrusters and vibrating elements that take all of the pressure off of you and your partner. 

Accessible sex toys come in tons of sizes, material types, designs, and colors. Depending on what you’re looking for and what your accessibility needs are, you can find products in silicone, TPE, and ABS.

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