The Elusive G-Spot
3 years ago 264 view(s)
The Elusive G-Spot

We’ve all heard of the mystical G-Spot, but what is it? Does it even exist at all? Does everyone with a vulva have one? Do people with penises have one? We’re here to answer all the questions you have!

What Exactly Is The G-Spot?

Known as the Gräfenberg spot, the G-Spot was first introduced by Dr. Beverly Whipple after she discovered that using a “come hither” motion along the inside of the vagina produced a strong response in people with vulvas. The sweet spot varies for everyone; the G-spot is actually part of the nerve network that makes up the clitoris. The clitoris is, in fact, much larger than we were led to believe. It consists of a huge network of nerves that are hypersensitive. All of this means that when the G-Spot is being stimulated, it is actually the clitoris that’s providing sensation! The reason that there has been so much debate about whether the G-Spot exists is because its location varies from person to person, which makes it quite difficult to find. With some time, dedication, and exploring, you can find that magical spot, and experience more sensation than you ever have before! Stimulation of the G-Spot can even lead to female ejaculation.

Does Everyone Have One?

And what about people born with penises? While society hardly ever makes mention of it, they have a “G-Spot” as well. More commonly referred to as the P-Spot, the prostate is an organ about the size of a walnut. It is located inside the body, between the base of the penis and the rectum. It rests just beneath the bladder and surrounds the urethra. It is typically not very difficult to locate, as it sits about two inches inside of the rectum. It is very sensitive to pressure and stimulation and can lead to intense orgasms in individuals with penises. 

No Longer A Mystery!

It’s time we get rid of the mystery that surrounds the G-Spot. Embrace this delicate, powerful pleasure zone and enjoy your orgasms! 

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