The History of 420
3 years ago 31 view(s)
The History of 420

Cannabis culture is a thriving and ever-changing lifestyle that reflects both long standing traditions and the rapid social change of everyday life. One seemingly constant is the acknowledgement of 4/20, whether it’s celebrating recreational cannabis use on April 20th or smoking at 4:20pm on the daily. The origins of this specific number combination are based in legend, rumor, and sometimes, flat out lies. Getting to the truth is often more interesting than the subject itself. 


Let’s get the falsehoods out of the way. No, it’s not reggae legend Bob Marley’s birthday (which is February 6th, mind you), nor is it undercover police code for cannabis possession, a penal code, a cannabis related California senate bill, the number of cannabis chemical compounds, etc. If you had guessed, It must have something to do with the Grateful Dead, well, you’re kind of right.


In the early 1970s, five students from San Rafael High School, California had discovered a map that was rumored to lead to an abandoned cannabis crop. In relation to finding the natural goldmine, they planned to meet up every day at the campus statue of French biologist Louis Pasteur at 4:20pm to begin their search. They referred to the plan itself as 4:20 Louis, which eventually found its way into the group’s lexicon in referring to smoking cannabis under the codename of 4/20. While they had failed to discover the treasure, the seeds of the popular phrase had been sewn. 

Famous People

One of the students, Dave Reddix, went on to become a roadie for bassist Phil Lesh of the Grateful Dead. On tour, Reddix referred to his legendary tale as a means to explain 4:20pm being the optimal time to consume cannabis. When DeadHeads (followers of The Grateful  Dead) got word of this, it spread like wildfire due to the cult-like following the band had, with fans often traveling across America, and the world, to hear the group’s improvised psychedelia night after night.


In the 1990s, journalist Steven Hager had used the 4/20 lexicon in High Times Magazine, and eventually discovered its origins and connected it to the San Rafael High School students from the ‘70s. Since then, people around the world use 4/20 in connection to cannabis use. Whether they know the true story behind the legend or not, it will forever be known within cannabis culture as the right time.


Suggested listening for this year’s 4/20 celebration: Grateful Dead in Veneta, OR - 08/27/72

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