What is Kratom?

What is Kratom?
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What is Kratom?

Have you heard of kratom? It’s a tree from the coffee family native to Southeast Asia and is grown in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. When its leaves are dried, they can be used to make tea or put into capsules to be used as a supplement. The leaves can also be smoked like tobacco.

The History Of Krantom 

Kratom has been digested for hundreds of years in Asia as a homeopathic remedy. It was used to treat pain, diarrhea, muscle cramps, fatigue, and more. There is still a lot about kratom that is unknown, but it certainly has a long and storied history. 

The Many Benefits Of Krantom

Today kratom’s benefits have expanded even further. It is popularly used to treat anxiety and depression. Many users report that it is the only thing that has truly helped with their chronic pain. Some have even called on it to treat opioid addictions.

A Surge In Popularity

New uses are being discovered seemingly every day, since kratom has seen a huge surge in popularity in recent years. As many as 15 million Americans have started using it as of 2019.

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