Wetter is Better - Why Lube Will Make Your Sex Life Hotter Than Ever

Wetter is Better - Why Lube Will Make Your Sex Life Hotter Than Ever
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Wetter is Better - Why Lube Will Make Your Sex Life Hotter Than Ever

For so long, lube has been something we whisper about, as though it’s something to be embarrassed of. It’s time we let go of those stigmas and start discussing the pleasure it brings us more openly! Lube is easy to use and there are many different types to choose from, each bringing its own rewards.

Turned On? You Can Still Use Lube

First thing's first: using lube doesn't mean you're not turned on enough. This is one of the most common misconceptions out there. The truth is, arousal and natural lubrication can be influenced by a ton of factors. Stress, medications, and hormonal changes can play significant roles. Sometimes, our bodies just don't produce as much natural lubrication as we'd like. This is where our star player enters the scene. 

Lube is like that trusty co-pilot, ready to step in and ensure the journey is smooth, no matter the starting conditions. There’s also many kinds of lube that can be used solo or with a partner! Sensation lubes, like heating or cooling, are incredible additions to partner play. Flavored lubes are perfect for elevating blow jobs or taste testing your favorite areas of your partner. Starship Lubricants are an affordable way to explore different kinds of lube! 

Add the Comfort of Lube to Play Time

Lube adds a super valuable layer of comfort for everyone involved. Think about it this way: the smoother the motion, the more enjoyable the ocean. Whether you’re getting into a long, luxurious evening of lovemaking or just need a quickie to get through the afternoon, lube makes every touch and every thrust more comfortable. It reduces friction, which is the main cause of discomfort and sometimes even pain during sex. A little lube can turn an uncomfortable encounter into a session of uninterrupted pleasure.

No Shame in the Lube Game

If there's one thing to take to heart, it’s that there's absolutely no shame in using lube. This idea that using lubricant means your partner isn’t doing enough for you is outdated, plain and simple. In reality, reaching for that bottle is a sign of sexual sophistication and understanding. It’s a declaration that you know what you want and how to get it. It’s all about enhancing pleasure, not compensating. So, let’s strip away the stigma and get slippery with it!

Combatting Friction for More Fun

Here's a not-so-fun fact: friction can lead to even less natural lubrication, which can cause pain and tearing. No thanks! Using lube acts as a protective barrier, reducing friction and the risk of micro-tears that can lead to discomfort and infections.

Pro Tip: Lube Lasts Longer Than Spit, and it’s Safer Too.

While the convenience of spit might be tempting, it's just not up to the task. Lube is specifically designed to last longer, providing sustained slipperiness that spit won’t ever match. Lubricants are also formulated to be safe for your body's most sensitive areas. Saliva can introduce bacteria that might lead to infections. Plus, the variety of lubes available means you can find one that suits your body's needs, whether you prefer water-based, silicone-based, or hybrid formulas.

What Kind of Lube Should I Use?

Incorporating lube into all kinds of play is a way to elevate your experience and makes the journey smoother, more comfortable, and a whole lot more enjoyable. Whether you're enjoying solo play or getting down with partners, remember that wetter really is always better.

Did you know that different lubes are formulated for different situations? Silicone lube is great for when you need lube to last a little longer and works great for water play, like shower sex! One of our favorites is Swiss Navy’s Silicone Lube, it’s latex-friendly, long-lasting, and never sticky. 

But if you’re looking for a partner for your silicone toys, you’ll want to try a water-based or hybrid formula. Wicked Sensual Care’s Toy Love Gel is specially crafted to be a helping hand during toy play. It stays in place without running away and creating a mess. Its super thick texture conducts and enhances vibrations. CalExotics Hyrbrid Lube is a super-slick, moisture-retaining, premium quality personal lubricant infused with pure hemp extract. It’s also free from artificial fragrances, artificial colorants, is pH and latex friendly, and is hypoallergenic. A great addition for all toys or for partner play.

If you want to learn even more about the wonderful world of lubricant, check out our blog All About Lube!

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