What is this “Coregasm” You Speak Of?

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What is this “Coregasm” You Speak Of?
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What is this “Coregasm” You Speak Of?

Sometimes it can be a drag working up the motivation to workout. But did you know it’s possible to orgasm from exercising? While it’s very commonly known as a “coregasm,” it’s actually called an exercise-induced orgasm and it can happen from all sorts of different exercises! It’s caused by anything from core workouts to biking to yoga and more. Maybe your next gym challenge should be to see what sorts of exercises might make you coregasm?

What Does it Feel Like?

So what does one of these coregasms feel like? It’s reported that, for the most part, it feels very different from a sex or masturbation-induced orgasm. People who have had them report that it comes from much deeper in the body and feels more muscular. They claim it has less of the tingle and build-up of other orgasms. 

All About Blood Flow!

The best way to boost your chances of experiencing a coregasm is by getting blood flow to the pelvis and genital region. Warming up with some cardio is a good way to start! If you’re doing a core workout, you’ll need to go harder than normal, since having a coregasm requires fatiguing your core muscles. If you’re struggling to reach coregasm, another good idea is to try daily Kegel exercises, to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

Good luck on your fitness journey! We hope these tips will give you a little bit of extra motivation to push yourself to the max.

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